The American Society of Magical Negroes

Dwight's Rating
  • Characters

    This was truly Kong's movie with some Godzilla mixed in. The best thing is the inclusion of the human element was a bit lighter this time around even though I would have liked even less humans in this movie.

  • Reviewer's Curve

    The theme for this movie is less humans and more of your monsters. I still think the movie spent too time on the humans. There are some good moments but it's few and far between.

  • Plot

    The plot was very simple plot when it comes to Godzilla and Kong. You have monsters being monsters and destruction. The level of monster fights increased and the world building brought additional dangers.

  • Pacing

    The pacing was better than I thought it would be when going into watching this movie. There are moments when there was a somewhat lull period but the action brings you back a bit.

  • Re-Watchability

    I'm on the fence about the re-watchability of this movie. There are some awesome parts but the human element really takes away from it all.

Godzilla kept on disappearing from the fight which was slightly annoying. This made it to where Kong got beat up a bit from a 2 on 1 attack rather than a tag battle. While I loved the concentration on Kong during this outing and allowing him to get a good amount of shine it also lend to more damage to Kong than needed.

There was another location under the home world of Kong? It was very surprising to see another environment under Kong’s world. I wonder if they really would go a bit deeper in the future. This didn’t make much sense since there’s only so much under the crust to go. 

Dwight's Hypothetical Corner

Let's say I change one thing. Maybe that one thing will make this movie better or more watchable.

I’ve said it once, I’ve said it on the previous film in this franchise is the removal of humans. If this movie spent very few times cutting to the human story it would make for a better monster film. All you need is slight cut overs to the humans to give some expositing and nothing further. The whole Iwi plot line wasn’t needed. They could have kept that piece out to give more fighting from the monsters. Give us what we want! 

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