Fear The Walking Dead Episode 4 Review

Hello and Welcome Reviewers!

Today, I’m reviewing episode 4 from Fear the Walking Dead.

Short Synopsis:

Episode #4

Madison and Travis see different sides of the National Guard’s occupation in their neighborhood; the family tries to adapt to the new world.**

This Fear the Walking Dead Episode 4 review contains possible spoilers. You’ve been warned.

** Warning, Possible Spoilers!!!! **

Episode 4 Overall Thoughts

This episode dropped a bit for me. I didn’t like it as much as I liked episode 3. There were too many predictable things happening during this whole thing. You could tell the military would take both Mrs. Salazar, Travis’ friend and Nick. The Doctor showed her true nature from the beginning but no one did anything about it until it was too late. Travis is still a character which will cause a lot of trouble for his two families in the future. He seems too naive and will conform to almost anything. It’s unfortunate to see his character go down the gullible route. There are only 2 episodes left of the first season and I hope the story straightens out a bit.

The breakout star of the week is Chris Manawa. He was the only one looking for the truth. If it wasn’t for him then Madison wouldn’t have went outside of the “safe” zone to see some of the horrible things being done by the military.

Final Grade -> 60%

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**Provided by IMDB.com

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