Fantastic Four Review

Hello and Welcome Reviewers!

Today I’m reviewing the 2015 version of Fantastic Four.

Short Synopsis:

Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.**

Non-Spoiler Review:

This version of Fantastic Four fails to hit the mark. There were many shortcomings of this movie and unfortunately it didn’t recover at all. If you’re a fan of the actors in this film then maybe you could watch it during the matinee hours.

This Fantastic Four movie review contains possible spoilers. You’ve been warned.

** Warning, Possible Spoilers!!!! **


The Good:

The visuals and look of the members in the Fantastic Four group didn’t look too bad at all. The Thing looked quite good to be honest. There are barely any complaints about that look. Everyone else just looked fine, which is something you wouldn’t want to say about a comic book character but you could accept it.


The Bad: 

The sibling pairing of Kate Mara and Michael B. Jordan was awkward. It felt like they didn’t have any sibling chemistry at all. The fan boy in me really felt a certain type of way when you see a colder version of Sue and Johnny Storm. They should have been closer for me to believe their possible team up.

Whoever cut the trailer for this movie should lose their job. They used each major plot point in this movie on the trailer reel. It sucks when you’re thinking about the movie and the trailer pops in your head.

Instead of doing anymore paragraphs about my beefs with this movie I will leave them in bullet form.

  • Ending was horrid. It was too quick and leave you disappointed.
  • No concept of time in this movie besides two time jumps. You’re unable to tell how old they are in this movie.
    • Johnny’s broken arm heals after one scene without any mention of a time skip.
  • Sue’s powers came from a backlash of the inter-dimensional travel unlike the exposure to the rays like the other characters.
  • Doom’s powers seem limitless. I personally don’t know what he’s able to do from watching the movie.
  • This movie took 1 hour and 40 minutes to go nowhere. You’re left in the theater thinking this is Fantastic Four Part 1 or something. It feels like this movie should have been released through VOD (video on demand).

The Hypothetical:

It would be a different movie if the script, visual effects, action, and feel of the film. Yea, it basically needs a reboot immediately. I’ve heard rumors of Fantastic Four 2 being a reboot and I hope that’s true. This movie had potential with the cast and technology available today but failed to make any kind of splash.

Questions of the week: What are your thoughts about this movie? What would you change about it? What did you think of a sequel coming in the form of a reboot?

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